Monday, May 18, 2009

Welcome all incurable romantics

Greetings to my friends,
I hope I'm up to handling all this new technology. Nevertheless, here goes. My artist partner, Cherif Fortin, was surprised I had done this on my own. He suggested spell check and redrafted edited scripts. Waaaay too much trouble for me. I suggested he not look at the blog if my scribblings offended his literary sensibilities. I'm sure my friends will forgive me a few misspelled words and many poorly conceived sentence structures. As far as the direction of our discussions, I felt I had no control over that. He thought I could control the discussions. Dreamer.

So, down to business. I thought I would keep you all up on my illustration adventures. My dream for the last 15 years has been to establish the illustrated romance concept. A novella length hardbound book"20 to 30,000" words with wonderful illustrations throughout. Ten years ago Cherif and I published with Genesis Press the first illustrated romance.

Since "Passion's Blood" has been updated and released again by Medallion Press late last year, we have finished "There Be Dragon's" with New York Times best selling author Heather Graham. Which will be out in September.

We are now talking with New York Times best selling author, Angela Knight, about a Medieval Vampire book. Very excited about this.

Helen Rosburg's "Ellie and the Elven King" will be re-released in the fancy format next year. This is a darling little book, a love story with naughty fairies in a magical realm just beyond the fences of the south pasture.

You all got the idea that you have to rush out and buy these books as soon as they are available, right. And, tell all your friends. I have some signed copies of the ten year old version of Passion's Blood if anyone is a collector of history. The original "Ellie and The Elven King" is still available on Amazon.

Tomorrow I will start the history of Passion's Blood and it's creation. All the nuts and bolts of creating an image and all the drama and fun around the business. You'll also meet the handsome men and the lovely ladies that add all that spice to the images.
So stay tuned. All three of you!! Lynn


  1. I have to have your books !!!!
    They sound like something I have
    waited my life for ever since I
    out grew illustrated fairy tales.
    CJ can tell you that I have no consept
    of spelling and sentence structure.
    Just continue with your wonderful
    I am still laughing at the blog picture!

  2. You know I am a big fan already Lynn, especially since I bought my first copy of Passions Blood ten years ago. I want to thank you for all the wonderful work both you and Cherif do and plan to add this blog to my favorites! I look forward to the Heather Graham book and know i will not be disapointed in any way:o) Shannon

  3. Lynn

    I love the concept of the books and treasure each copy that I have. Can't wait for the new fancier version of Ellie and to see what you and Cherif come up with next!

